Change or reset your password for Courses by Saratoga Ocean

When you enroll in one of Saratoga's courses, a password is automatically emailed to you. You can change or reset this password at any time (in fact, we encourage you to do so!)

Change your password (if you're logged in)

If you've already logged in, it's very easy to change your password to one that's easier to remember:

  1. From the Library page, click on the user profile icon in the upper right, then click on My Settings.
  2. Scroll down to the Password section, enter your current password, and then enter a new one in the "New Password" and "Verify Password" fields.
  3. Scroll back to the top of the page and click Save. If you don't do this, your new password won't be saved!

Screen recording of the password change process

Reset your password without logging in

  1. Go to the login page at and click "Forgot your password?"
  2. On the next page, enter the email address you used to enroll for the course, and click the "Send Me Instructions" button.
  3. You'll get an email with a link to reset your password. The subject line will be "Instructions to reset your password". Click that link.
  4. Enter a new password of your choice. You'll be logged in, and you can use your new password from now on.

Please note that if you're a member of Saratoga's Cosmic Journey Membership, your password for the member hub is different! To change that password, follow these instructions.

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